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1. What is your position at Clarify and what do you do?
As a Senior Data Analyst, I focus on the development, management, and delivery of Clarify’s data offerings. I work closely with many of our internal teams, diving into the nitty-gritty of our data assets to deliver insights.

2. What excites you most about Clarify?
I’m most excited by Clarify’s commitment to creating positive change in the healthcare space. It’s great being able to come to work and feel that what you’re doing is actually improving patients’ wellbeing.

3. How did you hear about Clarify/How did you get here?
Previously, I worked at a healthcare research firm, contracting primarily with CMS. It was a great experience and gave me a lot of exposure to the healthcare world, but after a few years, I was looking to move onto something more commercially focused and a bit more fast-paced (government red tape is real!). A recruiter reached out about a position at Clarify, and after talking to the team here, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for.

4. What aspect of your role do you enjoy most?
I thoroughly enjoy getting to work across so many different teams here. It’s always interesting to see the engineering vs. product vs. commercialization approach to the same problem. I’m also just consistently impressed with how smart and dedicated my colleagues are.

5. What project have you worked on here that you’re most proud of?
It’s hard to pick just one! I’ve enjoyed a lot of the pre-sales work that I’ve done. It’s a chance to show potential customers the value Clarify can bring to them, and it’s always great when your work contributes to closing the deal.

6. If you weren’t working at Clarify or in healthcare/technology in general, what would you be doing?
I would probably be an architect. I almost went that route for college; I even interned at an architecture firm. But after considering the amount of schooling needed, plus the grueling hours, I decided to go for a minor in History of Art and Architecture instead.

7. What is something people would be surprised to know about you?
During college, I voluntarily got up at 4:30 am most days for crew practice.

8. What’s your favorite app?
The Apple Podcast App. I probably listen to podcasts more than music at this point.

9. Where is the coolest place you’ve traveled?
Recently, the Channel Islands. It’s a short ferry ride off the coast, but it feels a million miles away.

10. Salty or sweet?

11. Favorite book, movie, and musician/band?
Book – My Brilliant Friend (and the rest of the Neapolitan novels) by Elena Ferrante
Movie – So many to choose from! But based on the fact that I’ve seen it 10+ times, I’ll have to go with The Devil Wears Prada. Plus, I am a sucker for a transformation montage.
Band – My go-to’s are Cage the Elephant and Vampire Weekend

The complexity of healthcare data. Clarified.

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Made for your most precise decision-making yet. Introducing the Clarify Atlas Platform®, our healthcare analytics platform and the foundation underpinning each of our building blocks. Atlas powers every decision with clarity brought from 20 billion data points and our best-in-class benchmarking technology.